Monday, May 11, 2015

VREMI Apple & Potato Peeler Review

VREMI Apple & Potato Peeler

by Vremi

Vintage Design
Classic Red Color
Wooden Knob Crank
Space Saver 
Suctions to Counter

Instructions: Also found in Users Manual

 Push the apple onto the 3-pronged fork, adjust the pairing knife to control the amount of peel desired, and slowly turn the crank.

Recycle Peels in Creative Ways:
Smoothies for fiber
Sprinkle w/Cinnamon and bake for crunchy treat
Dry them for a DIY potpourri

This is Wonderful. It makes peeling potatoes so much easier than having to do each potato by hand, while worrying about whether or not you may cut yourself. I love that it not only works for potatoes but is great for peeling, slicing and coring apples, as well as work on other items as well. With the vintage design not only is it fun to use, but it makes the process go by much faster than it normally does. When you have small children that can be a big deal. It is very well made and durable. The peeler is extremely sharp and works great. I tried a experiment to see if it would work on something different. As you can see above I  tried it on a piece of cheese, didn't work so well. The food needs to be harder so that it will hold in place and not fall all apart. As for apples and potato's it works extremely well.

  I was lucky enough to receive this product during a promotion for my honest and unbiased review. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.


  1. I really love mine! It works well, we love fresh made french fries! Thanks for your review!

  2. Thanks for the review sounds like this would be great during the Holidays making apple pies. Great review.
